
With a background in Anthropology it has been natural for me from the very beginning of my tango journey also to communicate about tango in different ways. Here you can investigate more about different platforms that I’m involved in.

Homero Manzi - Online kursus på dansk og spansk om den store tangopoet og hans mest kendte tangoer

Jeg er gået ombord i tangolyrikken og er startet på min hjemmebane i mit kvarter Boedo, hvor én af de allerstørste boede, nemlig Homero Manzi (1907-1951). Det var f.eks. ham, som skrev Malena, Sur og Milonga Sentimental. Jeg vil i løbet af fire gange fortælle om poeten, om det Buenos Aires han levede i, om […]

Podcast: Stine's Tango Talks

This podcast is about all the different dilemmas that can appear when you’re a tango dancer.  In every episode I’ve invited three tango experts to answer dilemmas that anonymous dancers have written to me. The first six episodes are in Danish. Two new chapters in English have been published.
Stine's Cover of Tango Talks

Buenos Aires TANGOLAB

Tangolab is a didactic platform about tango and Argentine Culture that I have developed together with Luigi Coviello.TANGOLAB is based on a great interest in the tango as a music, dance and culture. We find a special didactic potential in the tango as a way to communicate and as a powerful experience. We use our […]
Buenos Aires Tangolab

Tango encounters in Buenos Aires

or Tangohøjskole i Buenos Aires as it is called in Danish, and it is primarily Danes that enjoy these encounters though not exclusively.  The encounter is centered around the dance and I’m part of the organizer team.  Nevertheless my role is to introduce other parts of the portenian culture to the participants so that they […]
Tango Højskole i Buenos Aires

Tango Tales

This is my blog. Tango Tales is my story about how it is to be caught in a fantastic tango fairytale. In English.
Tango Tales Oscar Fischer


I have, with my three partners, created an online tango music event where we invent new ways to do tango in difficult times. The concept was born in 2020 in the pandemic with the idea of tango being a Phoenix Bird rising from the Covid ashes.  Tango is in its essens a true multicultural phenomenon and enjoyed […]
Tango Foenix Stine Engen and Luigi Coviello